Home Amh Araeng
Qasr Sharl
The Fields of Amber
The Northern Hills of Amber
The Central Hills of Amber
Nabaath Areng
The Red Serai
The River of Sand
Samiel's Backbone
The Rack
Our Ladies' Hands
Our Ladies' Feet
The Derrick
The Nabaath Severance
Mount Biran Mines
The Dragging Tail
Lift Station
Nuvy's Leavings
Malikah's Well
Lift Station
The Pristine Palace of Amh Malik
The Empty
The Crystarium
The Empty
The Southern Hills of Amber
X: 0, Y: 0


+ The Source
+ The First
+ The World Unsundered
+ Layers
+ Treasure Spots
+ Monsters
+ Dev Layers

About A Realm Remapped

A Realm Remapped is a collection of all maps and locations in FINAL FANTASY XIV including FATEs, Treasure maps, Vistas, Aether Currents and more !
The main purpose of this is to allow for 100% accuracy for all objects found in zones to date.
Please be aware that these maps, although are complete, take a big amount of time to produce, if there is any zone you wish to see and is not here then please contact me on discord at Icarus Twine#7006 If you wish to contribute / support / suggest changes then please do so at the links below :
(Discord) https://discord.gg/wSmXFZpk
(Google Forms) Here
(Patreon) https://www.patreon.com/ARealmRemapped
If you would like to support this website to keep it running and up to date please consider leaving a tip via paypal or join our Patreon, thank you loads.
join patreon

All assets, images and data are owned by © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

If there is any violation to these trademarks or copyrights then please contact Icarus Twine at the above methods.

A big thank you to :
Gamer Escape (https://gamerescape.com)
Miu (http://ffxivteamcraft.com)
Raelys (https://ffxivcollect.com)
Everyone at the SaintCoinach team (https://github.com/IcarusTwine/SaintCoinach)


Zone IDName
815Amh Araeng

Patch : 5.0
Map : n4f3(Map ID : 493)
SizeFactor : 100
Offset X : 0 Y : 0
Fair Skies (45%)
Clouds (15%)
Dust Storms (10%)
Heat Waves (10%)
Clear Skies (20%)
BG Path : ex3/01_nvt_n4/fld/n4f3/level/n4f3
Fixed Time : -1
Can Use Mount? : True
Can Use Stealth? : True
Can Search for PC? : True
Is PVP Zone? : False
sounds : (23)
enpcs : (454)
lights : (128)
vfxs : (30)
sharedgroups : (476)
fates : (17)
envsets : (71)
treasures : (0)
popranges : (44)
exitranges : (1)
mapranges : (184)
currents : (4)
eobjs : (181)
envlocations : (12)
eventranges : (26)
collisionboxs : (66)
linevfxs : (1)
clientpaths : (21)
targetmarkers : (27)
chairs : (0)
prefetchranges : (1)
fishingspots : (3)
adventures : (6)
bnpc : (43)
gathering : (84)

Latest Updates:

  • 16/07/2021 - Most* items are now linked to the lodestone if you hover over them.
    This was thanks to a user suggestion and I appreciate the challenge!
  • 10/07/2021 - A Selection list of BNPC's have now been added: Thank you to a user from google forms for the suggestion.